
Cultural Fluency Associates LLP has been contracted to work with 杰克逊的大学 to build a culture of 包容的卓越 at the institution. 这项工作将在几个月内进行,并将分阶段进行.

这个词, 包容的卓越, 体现了人人都能充分和有意义地获得和参与的承诺, 关注那些在充分享受全球网络赌博平台的好处方面遇到特殊和复杂障碍的人. 文化流畅协会将指导全球网络赌博平台社区在定义和创造 包容的卓越 在它的环境中.


  • 它包括什么

    这项工作将在一系列相互联系和相互依存的阶段中进行. 第一阶段从1月9日的大会开始 包容的卓越 工作将通过主题演讲和分组会议介绍给大学社区.  第一阶段还包括从多个角度对学院的气候和文化进行评估.  这将包括在线调查和面对面的焦点小组.  了解全球网络赌博平台的不同经历对社区想象一个包容的未来状态至关重要. 我们还将依靠该机构收集的现有数据,作为衡量进展的基准. 最初阶段还包括与大学领导进行培训.  总统的领导团队将参加一系列小组和个人会议.  The goal is to educate and train college leaders on a shared set of language and insights so that as inclusion efforts unfold, 他们有能力支持成功.   Phase I concludes in April of 2024 with a series of campus-wide Inclusion Goal Identification sessions with participation by students, 工作人员, 教师, 和管理.  评估结果将被共享, 讨论了, 并用于确定大学包容目标.

    在2024年夏天,将会有计划和一些额外的领导工作.  我们与更广泛的大学社区合作的第二阶段将于2024年秋季开始.  This phase will build on the assessment results with opportunities for the college community to prioritize inclusion goals and create unit-level action plans to begin the transformation of the college at the policy and practice levels.  To make meaningful and grounded action plans requires a grounding in the foundational concepts that constitute the Social Justice approach – specifically how unintended exclusion is manifested and active inclusion achieved through equitable rather than equality-focused interventions.  因此, this phase will involve work with either divisions/departments or college personnel more broadly to prepare them to identify ways to interject more inclusive 实践 into their sphere of influence.  It may be that there will be a desire for those beyond the leadership cohort to experience the powerfully enlightening benefits of the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI).

    The spring semester of 2025 will mark Phase III and will be a time of implementing transformational inclusion 实践 at both the individual and group levels as well as institutionally.  根据评估结果显示的需求和差距, sessions on building interpersonal intercultural proficiency and inclusive 实践 for group settings could be offered to identified individuals.  更高级的技能课程,如盟友关系, 招聘过程中潜在的偏见, microaggressions, 种族和白人, 打断别人,使用冒犯性的语言和行为, 有一些可能会提供的主题吗. This phase also allows the first opportunity to compare responses to standardized measures of belonging and connection reflected in existing College assessments, 并且确定有用, 重复一年前进行的部分评估内容.

  • 我们做什么

    建立诚信文化 包容的卓越 is the work of individual and institutional transformation; supporting people in growing into better versions of themselves and modifying processes, 政策, 以及更具包容性的做法. 这样的工作需要有礼貌的邀请, compassionate and without judgment regarding the experiences and lessons we carry from our past and our incomplete learning with regards to how others experience the spaces we share.

    我们着手这项工作是为了方便学习, 支持表达式, 培养自信和能力.  我们教育、引导和带领全球网络赌博平台进入它所定义和渴望建立的未来.  虽然我们对未来的道路有一个概念, 每次行程由, 并且是独一无二的, 旅行者自己, 因此,随着道路的展开,旅程将被定制.

    Our approach for individual transformation recognizes the developmental nature of growth in this arena and utilizes a multi-pronged approach so that insights might be practiced as they emerge and that sustained attention might be applied to the endeavor.  We utilize and leverage the benefits of both the Intercultural Development approach including the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) as well as material drawn from the Social Justice approach.

    The Intercultural Development Model describes the five fundamental ways people engage across differences and the impacts of each.  The Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) is a well-respected online assessment tool for measuring an individual’s default approach for engaging across cultural differences. 研究表明,它是可靠的,跨文化有效的.  通过1:1的对话, an understanding of one’s default approach for engaging across differences is paired with strategies for expanding the variety of ways one engages. 个人学会看到他们希望如何表现和别人可能如何体验他们之间的对比.

    The material from the Social Justice approach provides an understanding of the ways that privilege is derived and conveyed and oppression experienced.  它还探讨了我们的平等和公平观念如何反映在我们的政策中, 实践, 组织规范.   在一起, 这种材料对任何人来说都是一种方式, 尤其是那些来自主流文化的人, 认识到排斥性是如何无意中融入政策的, 实践, 以及个人行为.

    制度转型是作为积极纳入政策的规范而发生的, 实践和过程占据主导地位.  This work relies on the individual and collective capacity to “see” things in ways that were previously missed and to have the tools for evaluating and then modifying potentially exclusionary ways of operating.

  • 我们是谁

    Arlene Garcia, EdD, LCSW

    Dr. Arlene Garcia是一位文化流畅教育家和临床社会工作者. 她在这些领域的工作跨越了15年,并以支持个人为中心, 社区, 组织在其独特的和变革性的跨文化旅程.

    Dr. Garcia is also the co-founder of the Connecticut based advocacy group RACCE (Radical Advocates for Cross-Cultural Education). Her leadership and work with RACCE centers on the achievement of institutional and macro-level equitable educational 实践.

    作为一名临床社会工作者. 加西亚在治疗少数民族和边缘人群方面经验丰富. She is experienced in client-centered and trauma-informed approaches to individual therapy that bears witness to varied experiences with power and privilege.

    Her professional experience also extends to the academic arena where she has held various titles including Department Chairperson, 全球网络赌博平台负责人, 助理教授, 兼任教授. 她的学术经历包括全球网络赌博平台开发, 认证的准备, 并为学术和社区委员会提供服务.


    作为culture fluent Associates LLP的创始合伙人和全职培训师/顾问, 凯文的发展, 礼物, 促进多样性, inclusion and cultural development work with individuals and organizations striving to live in line with their values and mission.

    凯文有提供直接社会服务的经验, 大学水平的教学, 还有草根阶层, 多元文化社区组织.  在过去的15年里,他一直致力于伸张正义, 他对特权和压迫动力学的了解, 还有他的倾听技巧, 促进, 和教学, 提供转型DEI培训和咨询.

    客户包括学院/大学, 市、县政府, 基金会, 非营利组织, 学校, 还有宗教组织. 他的社区工作在PBS的特别节目中得到了强调, 我们的孩子:缩小机会差距 哪部在2019年首映.


Arlene Garcia, EdD, LCSW

